WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG April 17-23, 2020 Volume 81, Number 12
available digitally each week in April, May
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, our bishop publishers asked us to suspend the print editions of the Florida Catholic during the month of April and May. However, to ensure our readers still receive content, we have made our e-editions available for free to anyone who visits digital.thefloridacatholic.org. A new edition will be posted each Thursday of April and May . We love and appreciate our readers and are thankful you will continue to take us on your personal faith journey. If you have any questions, call our office at 407-373-0075. Thank you and God bless.
Click on your diocese below to view your local diocesan pages
Livestreamed Masses can be found at the following: youtube.com/user/ OrlandoDiocese vimeo.com/orlandodiocese facebook.com/ orlandodiocese See page 7 for information on local parishes' livestreamed Masses
Televised Catholic Mass diocesepb.org/2020-masses facebook.com/DiocesePB
Sunday Mass is viewed on television: 9:30 a.m. CW34 See page 7 for information on local parishes' livestreamed Masses
Livestreamed Mass with Bishop Frank Dewane www.dioceseovenice.org/ tvmass facebook.com/DioceseofVenice Sunday Mass can be viewed on television: 9:30 a.m. on the CW Network, and at 10:30 a.m. on FOX-4. See page 7 for digital resources
Long Sleeve Relief Campaign sees rise in donations, support
Handmade quilt created by Linda Lee to honor her fallen farmworkers who suffered years of hardships brought on by exposure to pesticides and negligence from Apopka authorities. Click the photo for the story. (MAURICE BEAULIEU FC) MAURICE BEAULIEU
of the Florida Catholic staff
ORLANDO With each new year, subscribers to the Florida Catholic's newspaper have support- ed the countless farmworkers in the Sunshine State. The Long-Sleeve Relief Campaign hosts its yearly clothing drive to provide outerwear for the farmworkers in the blister- ing heat. Along with clothes, some subscribers con- tribute to the farmworker cause by of- fering money. This year has seen some of the largest amounts of money the Florida Catholic has garnered, tipping well-over $10,000 in 2020. Ralph Schroer, a man who knows first-hand what it is like to work in the fields, gave to the farmworker cause. "I can remember back in the days, in the 1940s, when I was in high school," Schroer said. "They took us out of class" to work similar jobs as Florida's farmworkers. Giving back is the primary force that drives Schroer to donate. "They are a bunch of poor people doing
From far right, Maria Martinez, Fellsmere area coordinator and organizer for the Farmworker Association, and Blanca Valentin, who staffs the office's Campesino Gardens, stand with along with Elizabeth, Juan Jose, and Guillermina, present and former farmworkers. Click the photo for the story. (DAVID GONZALEZ FC)
work that others won't do," he said. His Catholic faith makes it easy to help others. "The Lord always want- ed to take care of the poor," he said. Schroer wants to let the farm- workers know he appreciates what they do. "Keep up the good work," he said. "They deserve a lot of credit. They try to take care of their fami- lies." Another supporter of the Florida farmworkers, Bill Stoloski, gave gen- erously to the project. "We learned about the Long-Sleeve Relief Pro- gram from the Florida Catholic ," he said. Stoloski's involvement and offerings stem from his time di- rectly helping farmworkers in Col- lier County. "We have been very in- volved with the Guadalupe Center in Immokalee for many years and have witnessed the plight of migrant workers first-hand on numerous oc- casions." The success of the Long-Sleeve Relief Program owes it accomplish- ments to the great supporters of the farmworker cause and the gener- ous donations they provide. Ann Borowski-Slade, associate pub- lisher for the Florida Catholic , said the overwhelming response from readers and supporters reveals the testament to the campaign's spirit - awareness leads to action. Even during these uncertain times when people are isolated and anxiety is building, our dear read- ers looked beyond their own needs to help those who put food on our tables," Borowski-Slade said. "Truly our readers are beatitude people and I am grateful for the acts of giv- ing."
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